New Orleans is filled with plenty street psychics as well as ones that work out of the back rooms of occult shops. I wanted someone I could listen to without laughing at them and telling them they were lying, so I did a bit of research and ended up with an appointment with Cari Roy.
I enlisted my sister as chaperon as I traversed to her house in a part of New Orleans I’d never visited before and ended up at the purple door of a small blond woman with cold hands and a knack for surprising me over the hour that followed.
After the initial hand to hand contact, she sat back in her chair and weaved the story of what my life would be like over the next two years or so. It felt as though she’d tapped into one of the dream versions of my life, if I’d dare dreaming that big anymore. She predicted I’d be going back into journalism (which I’ve been working on over the last two months), moving to New Orleans (which I’ve always wanted but never considered a possibility), and that I wouldn’t be alone forever (which let’s face it, is a real possibility with how picky I am after recent experiences). She described my children’s personalities perfectly and was able to predict how their lives would turn out with only a nod of my head. She gave letters of the names of people who would help this dream life occur. Details so specific that I now find myself looking for these hints in everything I research.
Of course, this last bit has caused some friends and family to bristle. I was asked to promise not to live my life by the words of a psychic. And after searching for the house that she predicted I’d live in, a friend commented, “So you’re going to make the psychic’s words come true.”
I must confess that all these great events in my life that she predicted make me want to run out and make them happen. If you knew your life could turn out that great, wouldn’t you want to try and have it all? She presented me with all the improvements my life so desperately need right now and returned hope that possibilities I thought I’d given up long ago might still exist.
But that would be the dreamer side of my personality talking. The other side of my personality is a realist, and unfortunately, it usually has the last word. Ever notice that reality is another way of saying that you doubt something can happen, that not everything is possible. I suppose a healthy dose of reality is not a bad idea, but for most people it’s an excuse not to try, to give up on some possibilities when the odds seem impossible.
Once, long ago, a world of possibilities opened before me, and because of the realist side of my personality and a large dose of fear, I chose to take the safe path, the path with little risk and little difficulty. I’ve regretted that one choice for a long time. So for this year, a year where I’m trying to have an adventure in happiness, I think I’m going to suspend reality for a bit and allow the dreamer side of me to see what really is possible. People like Da Vinci or Oprah didn’t achieve their goals by believing they were impossible. They dreamed it and told themselves that it was possible, without doubting they could achieve it.
So maybe everything she predicted won’t come true. Maybe I won’t be able to have that life, but it won’t be because I shut myself away and didn’t try. It won’t be because I gave up and settled for something less than I’m capable of. I’d prefer it be because I tried and failed.
Hopefully, I can revisit her again for another reading to tell her that she was accurate on this one, and I really was on the first step of my journey of change as she said in her opening words. That I didn’t just give up and not take that next step because I didn’t want to prove that a psychic was real.
So if you’re looking for a good psychic, I could definitely recommend one who will motivate you to change your life.
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